Ear Conditions
Ear conditions may be caused by problems in the ear, the neck, sinuses, or head. Babies and children are more vulnerable to ear infections. Learn more here...
Ear Drum Rupture
An eardrum or tympanic membrane is a three-layered thin membrane that separates your external ear from the middle ear (eardrum). This membrane plays an important role in hearing.
Ear Infections
An ear infection occurs when a viral or bacterial infection strikes the middle of the ear, the section just behind the eardrum. Middle ear infections cause inflammation and fluid build-up in the middle ear with severe pain.
Ear Wax
The ear canal produces a waxy oil called cerumen or more commonly known as ear wax. This wax protects the ear from dust, microorganisms and foreign particles.
Ear Discharge
Ear discharge is a very common condition which can affect people of all age groups, but primarily it affects the children. Inflammation of the external and middle ear is the cause for ear discharges.
Ear Pain
Ear pain can happen to both children and adults, though it is more common for children. Ear pain can affect one or both ears. The pain might be dull, sharp, or burning. It is either constant or intermittent.
Hearing Loss
The normal hearing threshold is 25 dB or better in both ears. If a person is not being able to hear as well as someone having normal hearing, then that person is suffering from hearing loss. Hearing loss can range from mild to severe and can affect one ear or both ears.
Tinnitus (Ringing in The Ears)
Tinnitus is a condition where we consciously hear sounds or noises even though there is no external source producing those sounds. A person suffering from Tinnitus often hears ringing in the ears, but the sounds also include roaring, whistling, buzzing, clicking, or hissing.
Vertigo/Dizziness is a sense of feeling lightheaded or unsteady or woozy that is often accompanied by sensations of swaying, tilting, whirling, spinning, floating or moving which is also described as vertigo. Dizziness can hit even when you are lying down absolutely still.